
Welcome to the area of SIRA reserved for Operators specialized in Industrial Automation; in this partition you can find all the detailed technical information and mathematics of the components that SIRA has selected on the market and designed over the years to better serve professionals in the field.
Let this section serve as an aid and compendium to the information that the SIRA facility is used to provide from the outset to those in need of reliable industrial automation solutions.

Our experience available to system integrators for solutions to evolving screwing needs, designed by SIRA and imported from selected Japanese suppliers.
Drilling and Tapping

SUGINO machines, synonymous with quality and durability for decades, for drilling and tapping in ‘stand alone’ executions and/or integrated into transfer lines.
Automatic Cutting

VESSEL pneumatic cutters espouse every industrial cutting/cutting requirement in automation in the polymer resins and metals industries.
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