Evolving Battery Oil Pulse Tools. Uryu introduces its new evolved oil pulse cordless family. Designs begin with ergonomics in mind to achieve ease of use. Independent cooling fan reduces heat of Pulse Unit& contributes tomore fasteners. Compact &...
Sira’s new Youtube Channel
SIRA opens its YouTube channel focused on video presentations and best contents to all those, visiting this channel, want to deepen product themes enforcement proposed exclusively in Italy. Visit Sira's Youtube Channel
ATA Microsmerigliatrici a turbina EN
The new SPT microgrinder series has been designed with the enforcement of turbine pneumatic motors reducing drastically maintenance and repair costs. These motors do not require lubrication and permanently eliminate contamination of the workpiece. Attachment: Brochure...
New generation of ultra-vibration dumped pneumatic hammers (<2.5m / sec2) designed to limit operator fatigue and reduce drastically stress levels from vibration. Attachment: Brochure 0617
ALPHA REEL Assembly Reel
The newest and patented motorized cable reel, called Assembly Reel AR-C, a smart cable reel for hand-held tool applications, developed to meet the specific needs and safety regulations of modern assembly factories. Attachment: brochure 0517
Tool Control Interface allows the user to connect up to 5 production torque wrenches. It can be used stand alone, jobs can be select and results sent to a PC or web page. Accepts Open Protocol commands via Ethernet in order to select specific tasks to be delivered to...
The RFm module allows CheckStar Multi transducers to become wireless when used in conjunction with an IQVu reader, allowing transducers to be located in areas where cable presence would be dangerous or impractical. RFm reads torque and angle values in real time and...
The KUKEN PTS nut setter family wides to medium-low torques. PTS-150EX models are intended to be enforced into controlled fastening operations (+/- 5% ISO5393) throughout a torque range between 50 and 150Nm. Strain gage transducer, control panel and electronics are...